Wednesday, April 2, 2008

garden update!

Well, I have not posted in awhile, so I thought I better give you all an update of what is going on. While waiting for spring to get here, I attended all three of the home and garden shows in Kansas City. I had good luck at the first show, as I found some good information and some yard art that I had been looking for. The second was okay, I did find a few bulbs to buy, but the rest of the show was disappointing. Finally, the 3rd one, the one I was most excited about, came up as a huge dud. There were some nice displays, but they advertised it as a flower and garden show, so I was hoping to see some new products as far as plants go, because that is my real passion, and there was nothing. In fact, most of the show was more "home" stuff than garden stuff to look at.

On a brighter note, I have crocus and daffodils in full bloom and I can see that my Magnolia is getting ready to burst any day now as well. It is nice to walk around and see the forsythia in bloom and realize that spring is near.

I need to get out into the yard to do some maintainance but work is keeping me indoors. I have some plants I need to prune, some mulch to turn over, and some transplanting to do before it gets to hot, plus get some grass seed down and fertilize. Yikes!!