Sunday, August 8, 2010

This time, for real

Well, the new garden is starting to take shape at the new house, but I thought I better give some background of what was here when we bought the house. I won't say the yard was neglected for many years, but the previous owners definitely were okay with letting nature take its course. I think they were a little overwhelmed by the shade and gave up after so many things died. I too and quickly trying to learn a whole new palate of plants as I never really had to deal with shade before either.
There are basically 4 plants that are growing throughout the yard at this point. They are Hackberry trees, Honeysuckle, english ivy, and creeping euonymus. Honestly, 4 plants that do not do much for me or my plans for the garden. Now there are a few worthwhile plants in the yard as well. There is a massive pin oak in the front yard as well as a huge honeylocust and spruce in the back yard. Some of the honeysuckle even have a place around the patio as they make a great canopy over the patio space. I have come to learn already that removing the ivy and euonymus is no easy task and it may be a battle I never truly win. I have started some projects that I will post soon to give you an idea of what I have been up to as well as what I am working with.

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